Emily Fortuna

Animations in Flutter Done Right - Emily Fortuna & Andrew Fitz Gibbon | Flutter Europe

Emily Fortuna and Lara Martin - Flutter: Mobile Development for Busy People

Emily Fortuna Demo Reel

Flutter Meets the Physical World at OSCON

Saga Pattern Made Easy | Emily Fortuna (EN)

Interview with Emily Fortuna (Flutter)

Flutter Europe: Animations in Flutter done right

Open Source for Busy People - live coding a Flutter Github app - OSCON 2018

Google I/O'19 - Boardwalk Tour

Google I/O'19 - Welcome to I/O'19

Emily Fortuna & Lara Martin 🍊 DevFest Florida 2019

Interview With Nilay Yener (Flutter Live)

Interview With Maurice Parrish (Flutter Live)

Custom Drawer, Filing Bugs, Working with Databases (The Boring Flutter Development Show, Ep. 27)

Interview With Shams Zakhour (Flutter Live)

Dart 2 & Flutter - DevShow at DartConf 2018

Flutter Live Event Guides Highlights

How do Dart and Flutter Work Together?

Emily Fortuna Demo Reel

Total mobile development made fun with Flutter and Firebase (Google I/O '18)

Quirky, smart aleck girl next door

Dart: HTML of the Future, Today! - Google I/O 2013

Google I/O'19 - I/O Live (Day 2 Composite)

Introducing Google Coral for developing AI & GPipe for deep neural network training